TEQSA Standards: A Look at Best Practices in Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Sep 7, 2024 | TEQSA | 0 comments

The Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) is an independent government agency in Australia that is responsible for regulating and quality assuring the higher education sector. One of the key ways in which TEQSA ensures the quality of education in Australia is through the accreditation process for higher education providers. This process involves evaluating the provider against a set of national standards that have been developed by the agency.

The standards that TEQSA uses to evaluate higher education providers are known as the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards). These standards are designed to ensure that all providers are meeting the necessary levels of quality in their education and research, and to protect the interests of students.

So what are some best practices in quality assurance in higher education, and how do the Threshold Standards support these practices? Here are a few key considerations:

  1. A focus on student outcomes: One of the key best practices in quality assurance in higher education is a focus on student outcomes. This includes things like graduation rates, employment outcomes, and the impact that a university education has on students’ lives. The Threshold Standards support this focus by requiring higher education providers to demonstrate that they are meeting the required standards in areas such as student retention and graduation rates.

  2. Continuous improvement: Another important best practice in quality assurance in higher education is a focus on continuous improvement. This means that higher education providers should be continually reviewing and improving their practices in order to meet the changing needs of students and the wider community. The Threshold Standards support this focus by requiring higher education providers to re-apply for accreditation every five years, which encourages providers to review and improve their practices on an ongoing basis.

  3. A comprehensive approach: A third key best practice in quality assurance in higher education is a comprehensive approach. This means that quality assurance efforts should cover all aspects of the higher education experience, from governance and leadership to student support and engagement, and from research and research training to learning and teaching. The Threshold Standards support this comprehensive approach by covering a range of areas in the accreditation process.

  4. Collaboration and partnerships: Another important best practice in quality assurance in higher education is the importance of collaboration and partnerships. Higher education providers should be proactive in building relationships with institutions and organizations around the world in order to enhance the quality of their education and research. The Threshold Standards support this focus by requiring higher education providers to demonstrate that they are meeting the required standards in the development of partnerships and collaborations.

  5. Transparency and accountability: A final important best practice in quality assurance in higher education is transparency and accountability. Higher education providers should be open and transparent about their practices and processes, and should be accountable for their actions. The Threshold Standards support this focus by requiring higher education providers to provide detailed information about their operations and practices as part of the accreditation process.

Overall, the Threshold Standards are a key component of the quality assurance process in higher education in Australia. By supporting best practices such as a focus on student outcomes, continuous improvement, a comprehensive approach, collaboration and partnerships, and transparency and accountability, the Threshold Standards help to ensure that higher education providers in Australia are meeting the required standards and providing a high quality education to their students. This is essential in maintaining the reputation of the Australian higher education system as a world leader in quality education.


  • Darlo Higher Education Logo

    With over 15 years of experience in TEQSA consulting, Darlo Higher Education has established itself as the go-to resource for private higher education institutions across Australia. Renowned for its expertise, Darlo is consistently ranked among the top five Higher Education Blogs in Australia, offering cutting-edge insights and guidance to providers navigating the complexities of the Higher Education Standards Framework. Darlo’s team includes former TEQSA staff, professors, academics, and higher education specialists who bring a wealth of experience and practical knowledge to their clients.

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Written By Darlo Higher Education

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